Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I feel bad -as if I'm blogging because I don't want to work, which in part is true. Don't get me wrong I've got more than enough to do in the next few weeks before camps starts, but its nice to be able to take a minute during the day to do something almost unrelated to camp. It gets my mind out of the shifting rosters, and moving plans that are part of the day to day and hour to hour preparations that we're doing now.

Camp starts three weeks from tomorrow - its kind of a startling thought. Regardless of where our preparations are zero hour is right around the corner. I'm ready for it actually --- that doesn't mean my preparations are done, but I'm mentally ready to be at camp, to be done with prep work, and to watch the pieces that were put in place start moving. Its exciting. That being said its also exciting to see the way the work we've been doing for the past months is starting to gel into a whole.

That being said, the marathon is still on, and I've gotta get back to running.

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