Monday, April 6, 2009

"We're lighten this guy up!"

So here goes my second totally random post for the day - I did end up buying the MLB radio package so I could listen to Indians games in my spare time... or while I'm doing things that don't require a ton of thought. I signed on to listen to the season opener against the rangers... And something was wrong with the radio feed from Cleveland... so I listened to the Texas station. And who comes on the radio at the bottom of the 2nd? George W. So he's chatting with the announcers, and whatnot (he sounds much more relaxed than a couple of months ago btw.) when Texas starts a rally... as they scored the 4th run of the inning he said (and I quote) "We're lighten this guy up... I can say that in radio right?" "This guy" just happened to be our ace Cliff Lee... Ouch... thanks Mr. President.

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