Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doughnut Days

DSCN1468Alright... so every Thursday is a special day in the office. Why, you might ask? Well there are Doughnuts for sale. And I'll be honest I bought two of them today, and they were good. (Yes... I have a soft spot in my heart for greasy goodness).

On top of that I've got about ten windows up that I'm juggling trying to get further into one of my massive adventure day projects. I'm currently at a kind of stand still as I wait for my computer to finish converting my raw video footage into a file type that I can work with. On one hand its kind of frustrating having to wait (I was almost done when my computer crashed on me, and I had to start the process over again). On the other hand I'm really glad I knew what I was looking for when I bought a computer or else this process could take literally hours.

The good news is that I've got high hopes for this particular video project and want to thank all the BFA students who took part in the filming. Awesome job guys! The downside is I'm sure I'll be spending way too much time in front of my computer with a cup of coffee and snack foods (I'm too cheap to get the stereotypical Chineese food) making this work.

More to come on these projects as camp gets closer --- I can't spill the beans quite yet :-).


Julia B. said...

doughnuts from harold's wife are just the best :D and guess what^^ i got one for free because I was working for him :D

Steve said...

I just want to say that "Free doughnuts" are totally not fair... even if you were working for Harold ;-)