Monday, July 20, 2009

Football Was Made for the Rain

(Written on Saturday Night)

But we didn’t actually play football outside today – which was a pity because it was our “Superbowl” theme day. It’s cold for summer, the temperature has been hanging around 60 degrees for a high the past couple of days, you know it’s cold in July when you step outside at three in the afternoon and can see your breath. And it’s been raining – so during activities time, a torrential downpour that started sometime yesterday (Friday) night and had been pretty much going on all last night.
SO --- we didn’t “grunt” and drag a camp full of kids outside to play in the mud (German kids don’t quite like getting dirty like American ones do). So there I was in the middle of a room of German teens teaching them how to play paper football… Its amazing. I haven’t shared any of the academic lessons from high school (I take it back, I helped one camper with math homework once) but the game we used to kill time with during study hall came in handy in a pinch. So we had a massive round robin paper football tournament.
And the verdict --- They LOVED it.

And its days like these that I realize how much I love my job.

1 comment:

Ethan and Queena said...

Good to hear things are going well, Steve.
Ever played the 2006 Spiel des Jahres, Thurn und Taxis?