SO I went on a bit of an adventure yesterday. One of the plans that we made for English camps was to bake Apple Pies for everyone as part of the North American experience. (Right... what could be more American than baseball and apple pie, right)? The plan: make about 40 apple pies, freeze them until needed, and then bake them in the oven. Pretty simple, right? err... not so much. Big problem number one was faced down yesterday: finding all of the apples we would need.

We, (Lisa Rothacker, a Cedarville Student, who like me, is here to help out for the summer, and myself) set out at about 11:00 am on the great E-Camp apple hunting expedition. We returned 45 kilometers, 7 grocery stores, and 30 dozen apples later at around 2:30. Apples, in and of themselves, are not hard to find over here but when you need about 360 Granny Smiths the gravity of the situation begins to set in. We had the back of a Passat station wagon pretty full with tart green appely goodness.
The looks we got from the cashiers were pretty priceless. As we were walking out of one store with a mere 3 dozen Granny Smiths (all they had in stock) we got a raised eyebrow and a, "so, are you throwing an 'apple party?'" More impressive was the relatively straight face we got while purchasing a whopping 15 dozen at another store. After explaining what was going on in most of the stores we generally got the response "oh... thats pretty cool," or "that sounds like fun," so in the end most of the awkwardness of buying out a store's stock of Granny Smiths was averted.

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