I think this is probably going to start being a trend. Once again I'm policing the “lights out” policy and typing the day's blog post. So, although your information is going to be about a day behind, you'll probably get more frequent updates than if I were looking for a time to type for fifteen or twenty minutes on a computer here with internet access.
I'm kind of disappointed – the stud athlete on my team busted up his knee playing “running bases” today. So, our run towards camp glory may, once again, be cut short due to the injury of a key player. Rats. Actually, seriously, I feel bad for the kid. I guess up until about 6 weeks ago he was on crutches with another injury, and now he's probably going to be out of commission again for a while. At least he's putting a pretty good face on it.
Otherwise, life really is pretty good. I finally got about an hour of the waking day to just crash, alone, and relax. It was, at this point, well needed, and very gratefully received! I'm loving my time with the campers, and I wish I had more time with them than I do. I can't believe that they leave next weekend already.
I'm kind of disappointed – the stud athlete on my team busted up his knee playing “running bases” today. So, our run towards camp glory may, once again, be cut short due to the injury of a key player. Rats. Actually, seriously, I feel bad for the kid. I guess up until about 6 weeks ago he was on crutches with another injury, and now he's probably going to be out of commission again for a while. At least he's putting a pretty good face on it.
Otherwise, life really is pretty good. I finally got about an hour of the waking day to just crash, alone, and relax. It was, at this point, well needed, and very gratefully received! I'm loving my time with the campers, and I wish I had more time with them than I do. I can't believe that they leave next weekend already.
This is going to be two posts. I didn't really have time to upload my post from yesterday so my post from Saturday night is the one above, and what follows is the Sunday update.
Sunday was actually a really good day, despite my not really having any free time so to speak of. Camp Sundays consist of busing the kids down to church – BFCF the English speaking church thats attached to the Black Forest Academy, and then the kids having lots of free time, and usually watching a movie. So, the kids get a chance to unwind on Sunday, which leaves less free time for the staff (For example... I'm “off” when the kids are in English class for a couple of hours during the day... which means I try, as best as I can, to fulfill the role of “team leader” in that margin as well as other times during the day). I also, usually like to try to take at least a few minutes of “Steve” time sometime during the day (Preferably during my free time) where I can just unwind for a bit, get a few minutes of peace and quite, and read for a while. But getting to spend extra time with the campers, just hanging out, was really awesome. And despite not having any “free time” for myself on the Sunday docket, it turns into one of my favorite days of camp.
Oh... the kid who smacked his knee the other day is doing well. He's walking around without crutches, so we're all very happy that the injury wasn't as bad as we first thought it might be. Which is a huge answer to prayer for a lot of people.
I had an interesting room time with my guys yesterday night. We had watched the new “Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” movie yesterday evening as a camp, and talked a little bit about how the movie can be interpreted in light of the story of Christ. I thought it was really interesting that my guys pretty much uniformly had seen, and liked Mel Gibson's “The Passion of the Christ” better than the disney film... partly because they felt Disney had stronger ulterior motives for making the film (Making a lot of money off of it), whereas Gibson's movie didn't. The other half of their preference was because they felt the Narnia film was a bit too “fantastical” to be a good portrayal of the Christian story. I'm not saying I agree with them %100, and I'm not trying to push their view... but I am proud of them for coming up with an opinion on how their beliefs are treated in the media and for sticking too it (the guys who were talking about it are Christians... and for those of you who know me I didn't “seed” that opinion in them, and I wasn't trying in any way to take the conversation towards critiquing the film, or the film industry at all. It came up completely spontaneously and I barely commented on the whole matter). So that being said, I'm incredibly proud of my boys for having an opinion on something like this, sharing it, and then sticking to their guns on it and giving adequate, logical evidence to support their views. (and I think they both know they're not trying to delineate between good and bad, but better and best... which is also exciting).